

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Connect your Computer to your TV and stereo

Now I know that many of you would like to connect your computer to your TV and stereo system.You may want to watch a movie or video on your TV instead of staying in a chair in front of your PC.
You also may want to play your music with real surround sound speakers instead of tiny PC speakers.It is quite easy to set up and may require only a little expenses. RequirmentsA Computer with an extra output from your video card A TV with some kind of AUX input. A Stereo with some kind of AUX input. Connecting your VideoWe are going to deal with video first because it is much more challenging than audio.The quality depends mostly on your actual television set.It may be difficult to see the icons and text appearing on the TV.
Regardless whether your TV is old or new you still can watch videos and movies on it. Find your connection. First we must figure out what kind of inputs you have on your TV. Certain connections perform better than others. We will make the list starting with the best...

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