

Thursday, July 22, 2010


Signs of Drowning:
Watch out for these signs the next time you're swimming with your kids or others.
* Head low in the water, mouth at water level
* Head tilted back with open mouth
* Hair over forehead or eyes
* Eyes glassy, empty and unable to focus
* Eyes closed
* Hyperventilating or gasping
* Not using legs
* Body is vertical and upright
* Trying to swim in a certain direction but no making progress
* Trying to roll over on the back

An article by Dr Pia titled "It Doesn't Look Like They're Drowning" featured in the Coast Guard Magazine, Describes the typical drowning responce as follows: "Except in rare circumstances, drowning people are physiologically unable to call for help. The respiratory system was designed for breathing. Speech is secondary or overlaid function. Breathing must be fulfilled before speech is occurs. Drowning people's mouth alternately sink below and reappear above the surface of the water. The mouth of a drowning person is not above the surface of the water long enough to exhale, inhale, and call for help. When the drowning person's mouth is above the water, she exhales and inhales quickly as her mouth starts to sink below the surface of the water. Drowning people cannot wave for help. Nature instinctively forces them to extend their arms laterally and press down on the water' surface. Pressing down on the surface on the surface of the water permits drowning people to leverage their bodies so they can lift their mouths out of the water to breathe. Throughout the Instinctive Drowning Response drowning people cannot voluntarily control their arm movements. Physiologically, drowning people who are struggling on the surface of the water cannot stop drowning and perform voluntary movements such as waving for help, moving towards a rescuer, or searching out for a piece of rescue equiptment. From beginning to end of Instinctive Drowning Response people's bodies remains upright in the water, with no evidence of a supporting kick. Unless rescued by a trained lifeguard, these drowning people can only struggle on the surface of the water from 20 to 60 seconds before submersion occurs."
from yahoo

Sunday, September 6, 2009

The Secret to a Happy Marriage

While browing around the web today, I found this few important tips of how to have a happy marriage and decided to blog it here. These nine simple things that a couple should be aware and perhaps should practice more often. Written by Atty. Stacey Phillips.

1. Delineate "yours," "mine," and "ours." If you have finances that should be placed in each of these three categories (for example, you have an inheritance and he has a savings account he accumulated before the marriage, and you also have a checking account to which you both contribute), have an upfront conversation about those assets and what belongs to whom. Moreover, talk about your time away from "together" activities, like he wants to bowl with the guys on Tuesday nights and you want to attend your yoga class on Wednesday. Respect these important delineations. Doing so will make the relationship stronger.

2. Carve out time to be together. Sure, you're busy working and attending meetings, but how important are those things if your relationship falls apart? Make time to do things together that you both enjoy. This could be anything from grocery shopping to taking in a movie. Take regular vacations together -- at least a couple of long weekends and, better yet, a couple of long vacations (more than a weekend jaunt). Commit to a weekly date night and make it as unbreakable as that all-important staff meeting at work.

3. Take care of yourself. Spend time every day on your appearance and your physical well-being. Work out regularly, eat healthy, and stay fit. Not only will your partner like looking at you, but you'll feel better about yourself.

4. Make sure communication goes both ways. Many relationships fail because of misunderstandings. Effective communication skills are necessary if your relationship is going to survive. If there is a hint or vibe that your partner is disconnected or you are unhappy about something, do not ignore those signals or feelings. Approach your mate and suggest an open discussion. You may be frustrated, angry, or hurt and so may he or she, but always stay calm and reasonable. Your goal should be to resolve differences, and the only viable way of doing so is through open and direct communication.

5. Criticize gently. Don't judge too harshly. If you criticize, do so in the same way you would want others to criticize you. Be kind and considerate.

6. Never stop courting one another. Gifts, compliments, and a loving embrace go a long way, especially when they are a surprise. Send unexpected greeting cards, slap a Post-It note where you know your mate will find it, keep those flowers coming in a "just because" way. Treat your partner with the same courtesies you did when you were dating. A terrific mindset is to pretend you are trying to win your partner all over again.
7. Keep the flame burning. Keep your romance alive despite the chaos and craziness life can present from living in the midst of sheer reality. Resolve to offer up romantic suggestions for your partner's pleasure, even if only occasionally, like cooking her favorite meal when you know she's had an impossible day, or entice him into a bubble bath with you just for the fun of it. Little gestures like these from time to time can ensure that the flame you once had burns forever.

8. Spell out your terms of endearment. Call out the expectations for one another in the form of the "terms" of your relationship together. Put them in a contract, if you like. This contract will simply clarify and document those needs and wants that mean a lot to you. For example, though he typically runs late, your agreement might specify those times when he agrees not to be late; she may agree to keep her spending at a certain limit, though she typically has little restraint as she traipses through the mall. Discussing these boundaries, as well as your needs and wants, can prevent either of you from stepping over the line and causing irritation. It is often the disappointments (needs and wants, gone unexpressed) that bring down a relationship.

9. Renegotiate your contract. Your relationship will evolve, and your needs and wants will change right along with it. Once a year, it's a good idea to review, update, or revise your contract with each other -- whether it is verbal or written. Be mindful, however, not to allow such a "contract" to ruin your relationship.
from Yahoo.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Calamare after Quake

Who's in for a calamare feast in the morning? Here's what i've digg. There was an earthquake in San Diego last week and strange things follow not aftershocks but squids rush to shore.
“I was having coffee up on the balcony and I felt it shaking,” Kate Lutkemeier said.
She wasn’t the only one.
“I heard my doors and windows rattling, thinking that somebody was trying to get in my front door actually,” La Jolla resident Mary Skeen said.
The quake was felt all over the county, which isn’t uncommon in San Diego -- but what happened just minutes later was a little fishy.
“We just got here about 15 minutes ago and Lilly, what did you see on the beach?” John Feher asked his little daughter. “Squid, squid, squid, squid, squid.” she replied.
Dozens of dazed Humboldt squid which were roughly three-to-four feet long and weighed close to 40 pounds were flapping around on La Jolla Shores beach.
“It’s like their equilibrium is all messed up and they don’t know what they’re doing and they can’t back out there,” Bill Baumann said. “It was like they got -- I don’t know -- all shook up.”
It didn’t take long for the seagulls to swoop in and start feeding on the squid, so beachgoers ran to the rescue and tried frantically to save them by throwing them back in the water. That proved to be a difficult task for several reasons -- they were extremely heavy, very slippery, and when the good Samaritans did manage to get them back them in water, the squid didn’t know where to go and kept washing back up.
“Some people were saying it was the earthquake this morning that caused them to get disoriented but who knows? Feher said.
He wasn’t the only person to mention that theory.
“A state guy was out and said the earthquake caused (it),” Baumann said.
Lifeguard Sgt. David Rains said that is one of several possibilities -- there are a lot of fishing boats in the area so there is a lot of fish activity and those kind of creatures always follow the food supply. He also said there have been a lot of water inversions and the water has turned from warm to cold -- but he doesn’t know for sure.
“Why are they here? Why are the squid here? I can’t honestly tell you,” Sgt. Rains said. “I don’t know if it’s tied or not to the earthquake.”
According to the lifeguard, swimmers should be wary of the creatures and keep their distance.
“The Humboldt squid can be very big and very powerful and they may be dangerous,” Sgt. Rains said. “It’s just something I wouldn’t mess with until you’re sure that it’s dead. They’ve got a lot of suckers and claws and a parrot like beak and they can inflict some damage.”
A spokesman for Scripps Institution of Oceanography said at this point they do not see a connection between the squid and the earthquake, but plan to look into it. Dozens of squid washing up at the same time is unusual but it has happened before, according to Sgt. Rains. But Mary Skeen said it is a first for her.
“I have never seen squid in the 42 years that I’ve lived here on the shores in La Jolla,” she said.

For now there are more questions than answers; did the earthquake cause the squid to wash up or was it simply a coincidence? Just ask the little girl who helped daddy push some alien looking creatures back out to sea.
“Is it a mystery?” Feher asked his little daughter Lilly. “Yeah,” she replied.


Friday, July 10, 2009

Extreme Schemes

We are all for finding creative way to make a buck these days. But would you do what these women did?

MOM ALWAYS SAID , DON'T GIVE IT AWAY: Natalie Dylan, 22, is selling her virginity. The aspiring marriage and family therapist (no kidding) from San Diego, CA, describes her business plan as “being pro-choice with my body.” As of present time, Dylan (a pseudonym) claims the high bid is $3.8 million; the deal will be consummated at the Moonlite Bunny Ranch brothel in Nevada, where prostitution is legal. Dylan says she will submit to an exam to prove her purity.

SICK IDEA: Dannille Vanderpool, a police dispatcher in Napa, CA, faked ovarian caner to score more than $ 50,000 in donation, thanks to fundraisers held by friends. The 35-year-old even shaved her head to get that chemo look, scaring her 8-year-old child. Arrested in April, she was charged with 13 counts of grand theft.

TIES THAT BIND: In an attempt to extort $50,000 form her ex-husband, Alejandra Arriaza, 39, of Miami, had herself kidnapped, along with her 17-year-old son, this past spring. Her plan went south, however, when police raided the apartment where they were being held. Turns out the kidnapper was Mom's boyfriend. The couple, now in custody, could face life in prison.

NEWS OF HER DEATH, GREATLY EXAGGERATED: Kimberly Du, 36, of Des Moines, IA, forged her own obituary back in December 2005, hoping to dodge the $500 in fines she racked up in traffic tickets. But a month later, Du was pulled over for speeding , while very much alive. The judge gave her two years' probation and ordered the lead-footed Lazarous to pay the $500 fine.

LOSING THE BABY WIGHT: Belgian Sonia Ringoir, 31, was accused by her estranged husband of selling their twin baby boys for $13,000 to a friend this past winter. Why? To pay for gastric-band surgery. A slimmer Ringoir was charged with “degrading treatment” of children, and faces five years in prison.

From: marie claire bulletin

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Paris Katherine Jackson - Broke the world to tears

Today crave another history as the world watch Michael Jackson's Memorial at Staple Center in downtown LA. Interstate and some road were closed just to pave way going to Laker's staduim.

LOS ANGELES, California (CNN) -- An 11-year-old girl who lost her father made the world cry with her on Tuesday

"Ever since I was born, daddy has been the best father you could ever imagine," said Paris Katherine Jackson, the second of Michael Jackson's three children, as a massive memorial service for her father neared its end in downtown Los Angeles.
"And I just want to say that I love him so much," Paris added, before breaking down in tears and burying herself in the arms of her aunt, Janet Jackson.
Her aunts, uncles and two brothers who were on stage at the Staples Center arena reached over to console Paris. Thousands of mourners in the audience dabbed their eyes with tissues.
It was the first time they had heard from a girl who, along with her two siblings, have often been hidden by veils or blankets when seen with their father. "Everybody just broke down," said Tracie Laymon, a filmmaker from Los Angeles, who was in the audience. "Wow, it was really powerful."
It was the same refrain from other fans as they left the star-studded service or watched the broadcast on their television sets or online.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

A Fight too short, too hyped - Pacquiao Versus Hatton

Early this year a fight between the Pacman and the Hitman is being stich to sport's history book to be the most anticipated fight of 2009. This could be the years loudest most talked about event, but what made this fight more exciting is not the fighters alone but the spices of both trainers' prefight prediction which I think hype it all.

Since February, I've been saving comments and prefight analysis mostly on Hatton Camp that I find interesting. These are all i have saved and after watching the fight also are my comments.

Starting with Floyd Mayweather Snr: he has a message to Manny Pacquiao

"Tic-Tac-Toe, Manny you better stay down if you want to be around" - ahh lemme see, as I could remember in less than 24 hours it's the other way around.

Lee Beard:

"In this fight Manny will make the same mistake as normal and Ricky will capitalize. If Ricky does get his shots off when these mistakes are made this fight could be a lot easier for Ricky than people think. Ricky is a big Light Welter and Manny is in good shape for the weight but he is naturally smaller, in his fight with Marquez he was hit with a left hook that shook him, now I believe, If Ricky were to land the same shot Manny would be knockedout.

Manny make some massive errors and he is very repetitive in some of his movements and with certain punches and the way he throws them. I think Ricky will stop Manny within 6 rounds. I think the first time Ricky gets hold of him and unloads, Manny won't know what's hit him. If Ricky fought Diaz - he would be way too fast, too big, too strong and stop Diaz in 3 to 5 rounds; and If Ricky was on the ring with Oscar that same fight night in December it would have ended within four. Me and Floyd Snr. have been talking and putting game plan together and we are 100 percent confident Ricky will knock Manny out early." - okey i couldn't catch up where to put all Mr Beard's analysis. He's saying "IF" count how manny Ifs are there, If Manny misses shots, made a mistake, caught off-guarded, a smaller opponent under 140lbs will end up sleeping in less than six rounds...oh i see now, well IT DIDN'T HAPPENED!

where is their 100 percent game plan in 359 seconds?! All I saw was the same old Ricky brawling, trying to find the Pacman and being HIT by a dozen blinding hooks and jabs. Did he think he could still stand the power of Manny after knockedown twice in the first round? hmm adrenaline rush perhaps?

Brad Cooney of

"Hatton is a come to you, fighter so if he plans to come to Manny, expect to see a the British version of a human bubble head doll in the ring. If Hatton is to pull off an upset, he will need to hit Manny with something he doesn't see." - Yes, indeed he is a 'come to Manny' fighter and No he was NOT a human head version of a bubble head doll (only Manny has that version during the Giant game and he was giving it away to fans.) instead he was a human punching bag that Manny always welcome to target practice, Ricky wasn't even close to a speedbag.

"There will be blood, and more likely it won't be on Manny Pacquiao's face."- This didn't happened since none of the boxer had blood on their faces.

Evander Holyfield: "It's not so much how hard someone hits, it's more of a matter hit with something that you do not see." - So true as Ricky had not seen where those punches came from plus a perfect punch that goes him good night.

Ricky Hatton:

"It's a shame you can't be inside me and see how confident I'm feeling." - Indeed it was a shame, we don't need to be inside you mate because we don't want to see those twinkle twinkle little star.

"The reason why I think I'm going to win is that I've seen Manny drops to body shots from smaller men a few times. I've seen him shaken up by head punches. Bear in mind, I'm the biggest fighter he will have fought against." - We haven't seen that one in your fight because it was too short. If someone went for a pee and comes back he could have missed the action. The bigger you are the harder you fall and it was true all along.

"If Manny Pacquiao decides to bang at close range, the fight is going to be over in 30 seconds." - Now you got it right this time Rick. You just forgot to mention it will be you and not Manny that will be gone in 30 sec. or was it 12 sec? I could not be sure, I need to review when exactly...

"I've only lost in 46 fights and that was up to Welterweight, I won a world title at Welterweight but it's clear it's not my natural division. I really think I'm the boss over my opponents with my size and strength and with my extra boxing ability now which, from what I've heard from Pacquiao Camp I don't think they've prepared for, they're going to be in for a shock." - Make this one your 2nd loss and from your natural weight this time. What you've heard was probably hearsay from Manny's Camp. You should have watch HBO 24/7 and pay attention to it. Manny gave you a lot of pointers there. It could have been easy for you than hiring Floyd Snr.

"Hatton is the better boxer. Hatton is the better ring General while Pacquiao is more like a ring Buck-Private." - Okey I will agree on the ring General thing for your effort to rush in like a raging Bull while Pacman is like a Hunter not a Buck-Private, waiting for the bull. I will put it that way.
"Three or four fights ago, Manny would have beaten me. I don't think so now. I feel so much relaxed because I'm boxing technically so much better. I'm jabbing and moving a lot better." - Three or four fights ago would still be the same if you have fought Manny since there were no fight difference you've shown us. As what you're fans says there is only one Ricky Hatton... fighting the same style I guess.
Michael Marley:
"I'm putting 75 large on Hatton to win this fight. It's time to pay off the mortgage Oceanfront Cape Cod estate. Maybe I will have the Kennedy clan over for the ceremony in which I take the mortgage papers and incinerate them the way Hatton is going to burn Pacman character." - I would presume Mr Marley got a huge loss this weekend too. Doesn't he know it is not good to buy a house these days? and the Kennedy to do the ceremony? - CANCELED! because Pacman's character is here to stay while the "Hitman" won't.
What really happened during the fight was Ricky's game plan (if there is) went overboard. He admitted later that he ruled his heart over his mind and that he didn't expect such speed and power would finish him too quickly.

I believe during his practise was quite different as we see him being the tougher man, the improved fighter. He got that great confidence in him after beating Paulie convincingly. Yet fighting the Pacman is quite different than fightin Paulie. I do not believe Malignaggi's speed and power is similar to Pacman. Then during the fight Ricky ruled his ferocity over game plan which resulted his early stoppage.
Indeed, Ricky brought us all a shocking performance. An unpresidented brutal knock out, we all didn't expect from him in such an early round. I could remember the early days of Mike Tyson where he always demolish his opponents in less than 3 to 5 rounds.
From what had happend, I still believe that Ricky could come back and prove us all that he belong to the most feared fighter in boxing less Mayweather Sr. as his trainer because he not only talk to much but in the end leave his lad, worse put the blame on his fighter for the defeat. What a sportsman Floyd Sr is. He is indeed a one of a kind coach.
There were manny prefight prediction on Hatton's Camp before this fight actually happened. What I've written is just a piece of the pie; a lot more we can find among boxing sites, from TV to sport webcast sites. Thanks for visiting.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Is your PC Infected?

Computer-virus infections don't cause your machine to crash anymore.
Nowadays, the criminals behind the infections usually want your computer operating in top form so you don't know something's wrong. That way, they can log your keystrokes and steal any passwords or credit-card numbers you enter at Web sites, or they can link your infected computer with others to send out spam.
Here are some signs your computer is infected, tapped to serve as part of "botnet" armies run by criminals:
You experience new, prolonged slowdowns. This can be a sign that a malicious program is running in the background.
• You continually get pop-up ads that you can't make go away. This is a sure sign you have "adware," and possibly more, on your machine.
• You're being directed to sites you didn't intend to visit, or your search results are coming back funky. This is another sign that hackers have gotten to your machine.
So what do you do?
• Having anti-virus software here is hugely helpful. For one, it can identify known malicious programs and disable them. If the virus that has infected your machine isn't detected, many anti-virus vendors offer a service in which they can remotely take over your computer and delete the malware for a fee.
• Some anti-virus vendors also offer free, online virus-scanning services.
You may have to reinstall your operating system if your computer is still experiencing problems. It's a good idea even if you believe you've cleaned up the mess because malware can still be hidden on your machine. You will need to back up your files before you do this.
How do I know what information has been taken?
• It's very hard to tell what's been taken. Not every infection steals your data. Some just serve unwanted ads. Others poison your search result or steer you to Web sites you don't want to see. Others log your every keystroke. The anti-virus vendors have extensive databases about what the known infections do and don't do. Comparing the results from your virus scans to those entries will give you a good idea about what criminals may have snatched up.